We built and deployed a highly scalable digital platform for Xponential Fitness (NYSE: XPOF) now supporting over 2500+ locations across 10 brands.
Xponential Fitness brands

They Said

We need a scalable infrastructure and integrations with our MMS (ClubReady) while giving programming and marketing autonomy to each brand.

We Said

Develop a central middleware to translate data between all platforms. Use HubSpot to standardize reusable components, allow near-unlimited programming and marketing development flexibility, and deploy custom web, mobile, and OTT experiences. 

Xponential Platform

The Mobile Apps

10 brands, 20 total apps. The Xponential mobile app is native to each platform, allowing for programming flexibility and ensuring that anything the client says can be delivered in the app, unrestricted by platform or framework limitations. 

Xponential logos

The Websites

The member experience combines local Franchisee controls, ClubReady, their MMS, and layers on top custom API and engagement products to create a fully custom website and member logged-in experience – entirely powered by their member management platform, never recreating a tool that already exists. 


Big Tech, Simple UI

Presentationally simple but incredibly technically  complex, the Xponential platform helps Franchisees feel in control over their destinations and lead journeys while ensuring the national brands have oversight. 


Our ability to customize technology to their challenges via a proactive in-house tech team helped deliver the big picture – if they can think it, we can build it.